Spinbird News

WordCamp Montreal Logo 2016

WordCamp Montreal 2016

Second International Conference for WordPress for me in 2016! In the glamorous setting of Montreal- this WordCamp was incredibly full of International flair- French everywhere! Lots of the talks were in French, and the multicultural scene was so vibrant! I met a lot of new friends, and also participated in a business forum- which was…
WPCampus 2016 Image

WPCampus 2016

WPCampus 2016 was the inaugural HigherEd Event for WordPress, and spearheaded by my great friend and founder- Rachel Carden. Per usual, I posted the slides below, but if you want to watch the whole thing- here it is.. in all of its GLORY! Speed Up Your Process – Frameworks Double Time IT! Here are the…
WordCamp Ottawa Header 2016

WCOTT 2016

First International Talk for WordCamp! I had an incredible time in Ottawa, met tons of great people, and was really excited to hear them laugh when I opened my “Southern” mouth! (Accents are a good thing to operate when you travel!) WordCamp Ottawa 2016 Frameworks for Freelancers from Shelly Peacock
WordCamp St. Louis 2016

WCSTL 2016

Here are the slides from my WordCamp talk in St. Louis, May 14, 2016. UPDATES: To work with the Hooks within Genesis- here are 2 plugins to ehlp get started: Genesis Simple Hooks (click for the plugin). This plugin allows you to add anything you need to the specific hook where you want it to…

Why do you need SEO?

Why do you need SEO? You need SEO, because SEO is a critical part of your online presence. You can have the most beautiful, functional, mind-blowingly great website in the world, but if you don’t throw up your arm and tell the search engines- “Hey, look at me! I am here”… you are wasting your…
5 things to help your website right now

5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Website in 7 Days

Every small business has the same problem- they need more leads. There are lots of ways to make this happen, marketing, marketing, and more marketing. But- one of the best is to fix up your website- and below are the top 5 ways that you can almost automagically change things- how to make sure the…